Page:Great Britain at War.djvu/96

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mighty howitzers, that crashed and roared and shook the very earth with each discharge, and whose shells roared through the air with the rush of a dozen express trains.

Following the Major's directing finger, I fixed my gaze some distance above the muzzle of the nearest gun and, marvel of marvels, beheld that dire messenger of death and destruction rush forth, soaring, upon its way, up and up, until it was lost in cloud. Time after time I saw the huge shells leap skywards and vanish on their long journey, and stood thus lost in wonder, and as I watched I could not but remark on the speed and dexterity with which the crews handled these monstrous engines.

"Yes," nodded the Major, "strange thing is that a year ago they weren't, you know — guns weren't in existence and the men weren't gunners — clerks an' all that sort of thing, you know — civilians, what?"

"They're pretty good gunners now — judging by effect!" said I, nodding towards the abomination of desolation that had once been a village.

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