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The Great War

and precisely as the Servians began to dream of regaining Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rumania cast envious eyes on the millions of Rumanians in Hungary.

Meantime, as the situation of Austria had been compromised abroad, it was weakened at home. Half the population of the Dual Monarchy is Slav, but the ruling races are German and Magyar. Austrian bullying of Servia provoked protest, riot, disorder, at home. In Bohemia, Croatia, Galicia, Slav populations protested in vain but found cause for hope and enthusiasm in the triumph of the Serb.

Only one diplomatic triumph Austria brought home in her campaign. Servian aspirations for a "window on the sea" were thwarted and the Albanian kingdom was created. But no sooner had it been created than the rival ambitions of Italy and Austria began to clash and European observers forecast a quarrel between Austria and Italy such as Schleswig-Holstein provoked between Prussia and Austria in 1866.

Thus, on the edge of the latest crisis the Triple Alliance found itself in a badly weakened condition. Austria on her southern boundary was confronted with Serb and Rumanian armies, whose fighting capacity was proven, whose national aspirations would be promoted by Austrian disruption. Greece, too, excluded from Epirus by Italy, had been driven to the Entente and possessed a fleet and an army to be reckoned with.

At home Austria faced growing disorder. Her

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