Page:The Great War.djvu/254

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224 ^^^ Great JVar the town was held the rival of Paris as a fortified city. On the outer line, its whole field army was placed, and the army was trained in battle. It was also nerved to desperate resistance by the realization that the fall of Antwerp would mark the close of Belgian resistance and not improbably of Belgian independence if Germany should win the great war. German defeat at the Aisne might automatically terminate the siege of Antwerp. German victory would certainly permit the siege to be pressed. Similarly a continuation of that battle on its pres- ent lines would give the Germans the necessary time for their siege operations. Thus on October i it seemed not impossible that In the next few days the world might see the Belgians making their last stand. But even if they were now defeated, their contri- bution to the Allied cause could not be exaggerated and would not be forgotten on the day of reckoning if Germany's foes ultimately prevailed. Nor was it likely to be overlooked by Germany if she finally defeated a world in arms.

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