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34 The Great War foot of their task simultaneously. Giving Austria ten army corps for use against Russia, she would have upward of 400,000 to face the 1,200,000 Rus- sians, while Germany would have about 100,000 in the field on the line of Dantzig-Thorn-Posen. This would leave Austria but six corps or 250,000 men to deal with a Servian field army of at least 300,000. Exceptions being made for Italy and England, whose plans and purposes remained doubtful, such were the lines of European mobilization in advance of a general war as foreshadowed by the military writers of the day. Russian general staff plans provided that mobili- zation should take place at three rail heads in Rus- sian Poland, at Vilna, facing Koenigsburg in East Prussia; Bielostok, east of Warsaw and south of Vilna, and Brest-Litowski, north of Lemberg, the capital of Austrian Galicia. This mobilization was covered by the chain of first and second class for- tresses nearer the Prussian frontier of which Warsaw is the strongest and the centre. The others from north to south are Kovno on the Niemen, Ossowetz on the Narew, Novo Georgiewsk on the Vistula, and near Warsaw, Ivangorod also on the Vistula and near the Austrian boundary. Brest-Litowski is also a first class fortress. Further to the front in a wide circle were placed the regiments of Cossack cavalry, which constituted the first screen. After the mobilization was accom- plished five army corps, constituting the advance

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