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Mobilization 35 guard, would be at Warsaw; four corps, forming the right wing, at Vilna ; four corps, making the centre, comprising the army of St. Petersburg, at Bielostok; five corps, forming the left wing, at Brest-Litowski, comprising the army of Moscow. Finally two corps of reserves were to assemble east of Brest-Litowski. This disposed of twenty army corps, besides the troops covering the frontier, or about 800,000 men. In addition there was a secondary field of mobili- zation in the Russian provinces of Podolia and Volhynia facing Austrian Galicia, and based on the fortresses of Lusk, Dubno and Rowno. Four army corps and one In reserve were assigned to this duty, constituting an army of over 200,000, which was to take position near Rowno. Two more army corps were based on Odessa and their duty was to watch the Rumanian frontier. If Rumania declared her neutrality or joined Russia these would then be freed for the campaign. Twenty-seven army corps, constituting the field army of Russia In Europe and with cavalry divisions amounting to about 1,200,000 were thus to be dis- posed. There were in addition five Siberian corps and three stationed in Turkestan, but they could not be expected in Europe until the European army had completed its concentration. French military ob- servers had reckoned that, despite the fact that Rus- sian mobilization was notoriously slow, this army would be ready for offensive movements between the eighteenth and twenty-fifth day after the mobiliza-

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