Page:The Great War.djvu/55

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Germany Invades Belgium 45 compelled to consider an alternative to her earlier plans of attack. It selected the unprotected French frontier between Luxemburg and Belgium. Toward the German frontier of these two States it con- structed a number of double track strategic lines ending actually at the frontier. This preparation was made in the gap between the northernmost of French fortified posts, Longwy, mentioned in the despatches of October 4, and the Belgian fortress of Liege, and facing Sedan of evil memory. From the railheads of these strategic lines the German staff planned to throw their Cologne army into France north of the great barrier forts and east and west of Maubeuge and Lille, the French strong- holds in the north. Coming from this direction the invading army would arrive on the flank and rear of the barrier forts and near Chalons, where the French centre of mobilization was, and would en- counter no fortresses until they approached Rheims, La Fere and Laon, which are within a hundred miles of Paris itself. The whole purpose of this German offensive was to make a quick and terrible thrust into the heart of France before France was ready and before Russia could bring up her armies on the Polish frontier. To " dispose of France finally," as General von Bernhardi had said. Belgian resistance the Germans had estimated as worth little. Liege was a strong fortress, but it commanded but one of seven highways open to the

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