Page:The Great War.djvu/85

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The French Invade Alsace 73 men never to forget and never to talk, has kept burning the candle of hope before the altar of national resolution. The rights and wrongs of the question itself, these are beside the point. Whether Alsace is German by right, was French by spoliation, is German again by act of supreme justice, who could or would at- tempt now to discuss the technicalities? The single fact was that the French have in some fashion and by arts all their own imposed upon the whole world save its German fraction something of their own feeling, which responded to the early fragmentary reports that the tricolor was again in the land of Ney and Kellermann, Rapp and Kleber, in the land which had given France so many soldiers and such splendid loyalty in other days. As for Alsace-Lorraine, what observer from a neutral land will venture to say how loyal these " lost provinces " are to their old possessors? This much at least appears. It was only a few months before that the incident of Saverne, when a whole town turned out to mock a Prussian officer and goad him to fury, filled the press. The latest foreign newspapers recounted the flight of Hansi, the Alsa- tian caricaturist, from Alsace after condemnation for the grievous offence of lampooning Prussian soldiers. In the German Parliament there still sat repre- sentatives of Alsace-Lorraine who belonged to the " non-conforming " faction. All over Alsace and Lorraine there were societies and associations for

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