4 February: Difference between revisions

→‎1915 (Thursday): two events added
The Great War>Borderman
(notes, refs, acknowledgements)
The Great War>Borderman
(→‎1915 (Thursday): two events added)
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*Continued heavy fighting on [[Bzura (river)|Bzura]]-[[Ravka (river)|Ravka]] front; Russians cross Bzura and take positions near Dachova.
*Russians falling back in [[Bukovina]].
*The Winter Battle in Masuria ([[East Prussia]]) begins (see 22nd).
*Actions on the [[Suez Canal]] end (see [[3 February]]). Turkish forces retreat into Sinai.
*German attack on [[Kakamas]] (north-west Cape Colony) repulsed.
*GermansGerman Government declare waters round the United Kingdom a "war region" as from [[18 February]].<ref>Quote from German declaration: "The waters around [[Great Britain]] and [[Ireland]]....are herewith proclaimed a war region. On and after [[18 February|February 18]], every enemy merchant vessel found in this region will be destroyed without its always being possible to warn the crew and passengers....Neutral ships will also incur danger in the war-region, since....it cannot be guaranteed that attacks intended for enemy ships will not affect neutral ships also. Vessels sailing to the north of the Shetlands, in the eastern part of the [[North Sea]], and in a zone at least 30 knots wide along the Netherlands coast, are not menaced by any danger."</ref>