The following text is a Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) transcription of a Border Regiment soldier of the First World War.

Name F. Brown
Rank Private
Number 12893
Other details Border Regiment
Date published 16 August 1917
Citation For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Accompanying and NCO, he followed a Tank to its attack upon a hostile battery, keeping close behind. The Tank having fired a broadside, the two men charged the position and captured a gun and its team. They then proceeded to attack another gunpit, where the NCO was knocked senseless by a bomb. Pte. Brown then carried on by himself, and captured the gun team, six in all, single-handed. He then attempted to mount a wounded horse, and do further good work, but was unable to manage it, so returned to his company, whither the NCO shortly followed him. The dash and determination of these two men was nothing short or marvellous.