Pte. William Hodgson collector documents (forum archive)

The following text has been archived here from our sister site, the Border Regiment Forum, which is set to close in January 2018.
A wiki-based copy of that original post has been preserved here for reference purposes. Note: only selected posts from the forum have been archived (find out why).
 Posted by kerchi » 17 Nov 2013, 01:46
Posts: 2160
In memory of
John Bardgett
(15309 L/Cpl.)

11th Border Regiment
Who died 1st July 1916.
Here's an interesting set of collectors documents/photos of Private William Hodgson from Keswick who died during (or as a result of action in) the Battle of Arras 1917. His body was never found, he has no known grave but is commemorated on the Arras Memorial.

The video shows the Keswick War Memorial and Peace Celebration Committee document (inc. extracts of their trust deeds) regarding monies that were given to 22 children of Keswick that lost a father during the war. One of the children (of the 22) was most likely the child of William Hodgson shown in the postcards/photos in the video.

These items were bought for £1 from a car boot sale. An interesting and lucky find.