Tried and Valiant YouTube book review (forum archive)

The following text has been archived here from our sister site, the Border Regiment Forum, which is set to close in January 2018.
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 Posted by kerchi » 17 Nov 2013, 00:43
Posts: 2160
In memory of
John Bardgett
(15309 L/Cpl.)

11th Border Regiment
Who died 1st July 1916.
Just found this on youtube regarding the above titled book: Tried and Valiant, by Douglas Sutherland.

I don't agree with a couple of things he says between 3:25 and 3:40.....a bit cheeky really but you get the general idea.

This is a GREAT Border Regiment book that I heartily recommend to anyone who does not yet own it!

 Posted by plbramham » 17 Nov 2013, 16:15
Global moderator
Posts: 1369
Hi Chris, Who is this guy - is he a book dealer?

I reckon the average price for the book should be about £8. Don't be fooled by being told that it is a "first edition" to inflate the price. I don't believe that there ever were any further editions printed. I does give a decent general outline of the regiment, but not a lot of detail. I think that he is wrong in saying it is addressed to "Mayor" - I reckon that should be "Major"? Do you think that this is a case of "someone with a little knowledge ....."?

 Posted by kerchi » 17 Nov 2013, 19:44
Posts: 2160
In memory of
John Bardgett
(15309 L/Cpl.)

11th Border Regiment
Who died 1st July 1916.
Paul, I don't know who he is but he seems to have a lot of memorabilia in his collection just by looking at the background but I guess that doesn't automatically make someone an expert. I reckon he collects all sorts but he has got a couple of nice Border Regiment books I'd like, that's for sure.

Such book reviews should really be informative and sadly this guy doesn't do a great job in providing the 'specifics' and 'detail' of a book that someone might use his videos to find out more about it. But, I guess, the basics are a starting point and better than nothing at all. I still found it interesting.