3 July: Difference between revisions

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m (Text replacement - "Crucifix Corner" to "Crucifix Corner")
The Great War>Borderman
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*{{EF}} Russians leave Gnila Lipa for Zlota Lipa (Galicia).
*{{SF}} [[Dardanelles]]: Turks lose 5,159 k. and 15,000 prisoners in last five days.
*{{NO}} South Africa's offer of volunteer contingent announced by [[General]] Smuts.
*{{WF}} Fierce fighting continues; British capture La Boiselle and part of Ovillers. French capture Chapitre Wood, Feuillères, Buscourt, Flaucourt; also Assevillers to the South. Germans gain and lose Damloup work (Verdun). North of Ancre actions indecisive. 12,300 prisoners to date.
*Battalion withdraws to [[Crucifix Corner]] dug-out.<ref name="wdjuly16">[[11th Battalion War Diary, July 1916]]</ref>
*{{EF}} Battle of Baranovichi continues south of Vilna. Russian sea-attack on German lines near Riga.
*{{SF}} French [[air-raid]] on Sofia from Salonika.
*{{AE}} Russians again resume offensive in Armenia, west of Erzerum.
*{{NO}} British advance in East Africa, in region between Lake Tanganyika and Victoria Nyanza.
*{{PO}} Report of Royal Commission on the causes of the Irish Rebellion issued. Russo-Japanese treaty ''re'' the Far East signed.
*{{WF}} German offensive on a front of 11 miles north of the Aisne repulsed with heavy loss. German attacks towards Verdun repulsed. British [[air-raid]] on Belgian towns.
*Battalion remains in the line. There is fairly heavy shelling of left [[trench|communication trench]] and Pont Pastre, which is hit in two or three places. Remainder of day is quiet.<ref name="wdjuly17">[[11th Battalion War Diary, July 1917]]</ref>
*{{EF}} Russian attack of Brzezany (Galicia) fails. [[Artillery]] activity growing in the Stokhod area (Volhynia).
*{{PO}} Riots in Amsterdam. Statement in House of Lords by Lord Hardinge (Ex-Viceroy of India) on report of Mesopotamia Commission.
*{{WF}} French advance north of Aisne between Autrèches on east and Moulin sous Touvent on west; 1,000 prisoners.
*Battalion training continues with 1st Battalion 130th Infantry Regiment (USA) at Ailly-le-Haut-Clocher.<ref name="wdjuly18">[[11th Battalion War Diary, July 1918]]</ref>
*{{EF}} Germans prepare to advance on Murman railway. New Provisional Government established at Vladivostok.
*{{NO}} Retreat of Germans at Nhamacurra.
*{{PO}} Proclamation of Sinn Fein as dangerous organisation. Death of Lord Rhondda (British Food Controller). Death of Mohammed V., Sultan of Turkey; succeeded by Mohammed VI (Vahid-ed-Din).
*[[Sydney Caddy (13841 Pte.)|Caddy, Sydney (13841 Pte.)]]
*[[Edmund Lawrence Dixon (15031 Pte.)|Dixon, Edmund Lawrence (15031 Pte.)]]
*[[Howard Nicholson (13402 Pte.)|Nicholson, Howard (13402 Pte.)]]
*[[James Dixon Nicholson (17488 Pte.)|Nicholson, James Dixon (17488 Pte.)]]
*[[George Edward Bland (27346 Pte.)|Bland, George Edward (27346 Pte.)]]
[[Category:Events by day|185]]