6th Battalion War Diary, August 1915: Difference between revisions

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| style="width:80%; background:#333333444444; color:#f7f7f7; text-transform:uppercase; text-align:center; padding-left:10px; font-weight:bold400; border-bottom:1px solid #aaaaaa;"|Summary of Events
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|Work of consolidating Youghlin Bornu position proceeded with. About 9am orders were received that we had to withdraw into Divisional Reserve again at Lala Ba. Casualties 2 officers [[William Stuart Ross, Capt.|2nd Lt. W.S. Ross]]<ref>Capt. William Stuart Ross. Died: 23/7/1917 age 25. Buried at La Brique Military Cemetery No.2. Son of Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Ross of 19, Sackville Gardens, Hove, Sussex.</ref> & 2nd Lt. H.B. de Montmorency wounded, also 51 others wounded, 4 killed & 3 missing. About 5.0pm OC Battns were sent for from Brigade Headqrs to go forward & reconnoitre positions to be attacked the following morning. The position to be attacked was as follows. Point 112 ie ISMAIL UGLU TEPE to the windmills just South of ANA FARTA SAGIR. Order of attack was 6th Border Regt. Right. 7th South Staffs Centre & 6th Lincolns Left, two platoons were to be pushed forwards on hill 50 to take right flank (Wounded Lt. H.B. De Montmorency & Lt W.S.Ross).
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|2 Lt. A de L. BAINBRIGGE & 2 Lt. F.B.D. STALKER joined Bn in morning. Left bivouacs at 2pm & formed up behind LALA BABA. The 33rd Bde was in reserve to the 32nd who had orders to attack [W mill – windmill or W hill?] if the 32 succeeded in doing this they were to dig in & the 33rd were to push through & take hill 101. The 29th division was to attack on our left, but we had no definite information as to who was on our right.<br>
The 33rd started at about 3pm in artillery formation in the following order: SHERWOOD FORESTERS. BORDER. S.STAFFS. LINCOLNS.<br>
The Bn in columns of coy order A, B, C, D came very quickly under shellfire, which increased in intensity as it proceeded. The bn advanced almost due east & when about level with CHOCOLATE HILL, A coy coming under rifle fire extended, the remaining coys extended in succession as they came to the same place, & as D Coy was doing this a written message, signed was brought in by an officer – major – saying that D & C Coys were to file to the right & follow him to take a Turkish trench a few hundred yds. away on the right, which attack he said he should lead. This was done & the trench was taken, the Turks leaving as they approached. Here our men were mixed up with some of the 32nd bde & the S. STAFFS but the men of the 32nd went off somewhere to the right, while the BORDERS & about 50 S. STAFFS advanced several hundred yds. & lined the sunken road 92 B4-6. 2 Lt. Bainbrigge was now in command of the Borders in this part of the line, Capt Darwell having been wounded & [[Francis Brown Douglas Stalker, 2nd Lieut.|2 Lt. Stalker]] killed,<ref>2nd Lieut. Francis Brown Douglas Stalker. Died: 22/08/1915. Commemorated on the Helles Memorial.</ref> though there were only about 40 left. They remained where they were till about 6pm when a Ghurkha regt were seen advancing behind in an easterly direction & occupied a ditch going N & S with SUSAK KUKU on their extreme left. 2 Lt. Bainbrigge got in trench with them & was ordered to extend his line along the sunken road to their left.
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| — To return to A & B Coys. After extending they pushed on ahead lead by the C.O. who was in the front line under heavy rifle fire towards [W. Mill or W hill?] when they arrived at a point about 200 yards NE [A 105 ???] on the slopes of a hill, they were heavily enfiladed from the right rear. The [[George Fletcher Broadrick, Lieut-Colonel|C.O.]]<ref>The CO was Lt-Col. George Fletcher Broadrick (Mentioned in Despatches). Died: 22/8/1915. Age: 45. Commemorated on the Helles Memorial. Son of Lieut. R. F. Broadrick, R.N., and Frances Mary
Broadrick (nee Crewdson) of Highfield, Windermere.</ref> & [[Frank Cecil Clegg, Capt.|Capt Clegg]]<ref>Capt. Frank Cecil Clegg. Age: 27. Commemorated on the Helles Memorial. Son of Calder Hurst Clegg of Kendal, Westmorland.</ref> were killed & Capt Romanes wounded. Those men who had gone up the slopes of the hill were ordered back to a trench at the bottom by the C.O. A fire had broken out in the bushes on the hill & the wounded were in danger of being burnt. CQMS Prosser did good work bringing them down, thereby gaining the DCM. Lt. Durlacher, when it grew dark, collected about 200 men chiefly BORDERS & SHERWOODS behind the trench, for the moment all that could be found of the 33rd bde. Capt Chance was in command & read orders from the Brigadier to occupy a trench running E & W opposite the HETMAN CHAIR communication trench, which was & had been occupied by the Turks the whole time & had done all the damage. Trench was occupied, 32nd & 33rd bdes. being very mixed up.
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*War diary transcribed by P. Bramham.
[[Category:War Diary|wd-06-02]]
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