7 November: Difference between revisions

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The Great War>Borderman
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===Western Front===
*Hirings take place at Carlisle, Appleby and Kendal.<ref>{{lowther|recno=7}}</ref>
*[[Lombartzyde]] again captured by Germans.
*Enlistments: [[Thomas Garnett (16334 Pte.)]]{{2nbsp}}•{{2nbsp}}[[Henry Graham (15543 Pte.)]]{{2nbsp}}•{{2nbsp}}[[Frederick Bruce Gibson (16315 Pte.)]]{{2nbsp}}•{{2nbsp}}[[Reuben Hetherington (16301 L/Cpl.)]].
*Heavy German attacks on the [[Allies]] at [[Givenchy]] ([[La Bassée]]) and [[Arras]].
*A detachment of the [[The Lonsdale Battalion - an introduction|Lonsdales]], under the command of 2nd Lieut. W.A. Hobson, parades at [[Blackhall Camp]].<ref name="news">[[Lonsdale Battalion Coming Tomorrow|Letter]] written by [[Percy Wilfred Machell|Lt-Col. Machell]] to the [[Workington Star and Harrington Guardian]], published [[6 November]], 1914.</ref>
*German attacks near [[Roye]] and Vimy repulsed.
*Route for the march through Carlisle: Currock Road, James Street, Viaduct, Milbourne Street, Kendal Street, Hawick Street, Caldewgate, Annetwell Street, Castle Street, Market Place. Halt. Scotch Street, The Sands, Lowther Street, Bank Street, Crescent, Botchergate, St. Nicholas to Camp.<ref>{{lowther|recno=46}}</ref>
===Southern Front===
*Route march of 1 [[sergeant]], 2 [[corporal]]s and 40 men in uniform without arms<ref>{{lowther|recno=77}}</ref> march to Cummersdale station at 1pm. At 1.35pm they take the train and proceed to Maryport, arriving at 2.40pm. They are met by a band and to march through the town.<ref name="news" />
*Russians bombard Turkish ports in the Black Sea.
*At about 3.20pm the detachment leaves Maryport and marches to Workington, arriving about 5.15pm. Tea is provided after which the men are dismissed to their homes until Monday [[9 November]].<ref name="news" />
===Asiatic and Egyptian Theatres===
*Conviction of Edward Salkeld of the Lonsdale Battalion is convicted for stealing a cart and harness. He is imprisoned for one month or to pay 23 shillings.<ref>{{lowther|recno=9}}</ref>
*Capture of [[Tsing-tau]]: Japanese take 2,300 prisoners.
*[[Mesopotamia]]: British force lands in [[Persian Gulf]].
===Naval and Overseas Operations===
*[[Battalion]] situated at La Vicogne involved in general parades of instruction.<ref name="wdnov16">[[11th Battalion War Diary, November 1916]]</ref>
*[[South Africa]]: Union troops defeated by [[General de Wet]] at [[Doornberg]].
*Battalion situated in the Roubrouck Area involved in training.<ref name="wdnov17">[[11th Battalion War Diary, November 1917]]</ref>
==References / notes==
==References / notes==
[[Category:Events by day|312]]
[[Category:NovemberOctober events|07]]