Border Regiment Forum/Archives/Statistics/Topics statistics/Top 10 topics (by posts)

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Data collected on 25 November, 2017.

Topics Count Percent
Lonsdale Battalion War Graves - in memory of the fallen (Memorials & Cemeteries) 473 5.55%
Lonsdale Battalion War Graves photo collection (Memorials & Cemeteries) 240 2.82%
Lonsdale Photographs in the Roll of Honour (Cumberland News) 240 2.82%
8th (Service) Battalion Border Regiment men (Miscellaneous Newspapers) 152 1.78%
War Diary of H.H. Linzell, 7th Border Regiment (War Diaries) 147 1.73%
Cumberland and Westmorland Herald - Lonsdales in the Roll of (Cumberland & Westmorland Herald) 87 1.02%
Old images of Cumberland and Westmorland (The 'Lounge') 62 0.73%
COCKERMOUTH CEMETERY WAR GRAVES (Memorials & Cemeteries) 61 0.72%
Digital compact Vs dSLR (The 'Lounge') 51 0.60%
Sponsorship of tanks in WW1 from towns and cities (General Chat) 46 0.54%