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Border Regiment Edwardian swagger cane (forum archive)

(Redirected from Edwardian swagger cane)
The following text has been archived here from our sister site, the Border Regiment Forum, which is set to close in January 2018.
A wiki-based copy of that original post has been preserved here for reference purposes. Note: only selected posts from the forum have been archived (find out why).
 Posted by plbramham » Sat May 05, 2012 11:40 am
Global moderator
Posts: 1369
Pre WW1 swagger cane. Unhallmarked silver, so probably made in India or Malta.
 Posted by kerchi » Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:12 pm
Posts: 2160
In memory of
John Bardgett
(15309 L/Cpl.)

11th Border Regiment
Who died 1st July 1916.
I enjoy looking at these beautifully hand-crafted items. The swagger stick I donated to the Border Regiment Museum had a snooker cue ball on it.

That was a well-crafted item, I just wish I took some photos of it before donating it.

 Posted by plbramham » Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:54 pm
Global moderator
Posts: 1369
How about this then! - a VICTORIAN swagger cane top. Note "Queens' crown", plus 11 - not 13 battle honours, hence pre Boer War. Again un hallmarked silver - India/Malta?


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