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Quotes by Percy Wilfrid Machell: Difference between revisions

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The following quotes are by the Commanding Officer of the Lonsdale Battalion, Lt-Col. Percy Wilfred Machell.
{{Quote|text=I have to act drill-sergeant and buck and bark vociferously to get up a high standard….Men take the talking well. It is much better than punishing….Far better make a man than break him.|person=[[Percy Wilfred Machell|P.W. Machell]], Commanding Officer|source=[[Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale) - In England|Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale)]]}}
{{Quote|text=Very good moving on gradually, so the men get used to billeting; it’s a big change for these lads, accustomed to having everything done for them. Their minds move slowly and they think it’s still training; so far we have got along first rate, much better than others. Spring-Rice<ref>May 26th Lieut. [[Gerald Spring-Rice]] was the Transport Officer to the Battalion. He was killed on 26th May 1916 by a spent bullet. He was 52 years of age.</ref> very good at getting the transport along.|person=[[Percy Wilfred Machell|P. W. Machell]], Commanding Officer. [[25 November|25th November]] 1915|source=[[Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale) - In France|Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale)]]}}
{{Quote|text=They are in very good form, and prepared to look smiling under all possible circumstances. I had a talk yesterday on the futility of grousing and the necessity of making the best instead of the worst of everything. Sandbags much wanted. I have been in the trenches a lot to-day, and see how useful a private supply would be. Difficulty in keeping the walls standing, owing to the quantity of water, and there is nothing like sandbags.|person=[[Percy Wilfred Machell|P.W. Machell]], Commanding Officer. [[14 December|14th December]] 1915|source=[[Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale) - In France|Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale)]]}}
{{Quote|text=All will be more comfortable when our Division takes over. C.O.’s are well enough off always apparently, having pretty good dug-outs and a chance of drying up, but I feel very bad about the men, and one can’t do enough for them.|person=[[Percy Wilfred Machell|P.W. Machell]], Commanding Officer. [[17 December|17]]-[[19 December|19th December]] 1915|source=[[Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale) - In France|Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale)]]}}
{{Quote|text=The men are excellent. I am very energetic, as you may imagine, and they respond splendidly. I am quite delighted with them. They are not foolish at all, just sensible, and do their job without the smallest fuss, though the hardships for them are demandable. For us it is much better, as we can generally get dry socks and a better place to lie in...I have nothing to complain of at all. I am working day and night.|person=[[Percy Wilfred Machell|P.W. Machell]], Commanding Officer. [[22 December|22nd December]] 1915|source=[[Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale) - In France|Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale)]]}}
{{Quote|text=First week in trenches, only six casualties, one, Nicholson (of Carlisle), since died. The 51st Division, to which we were attached, especially thanked Rycroft for the way the 11th Borders had played up.<ref>Not meant in the sense to misbehave or aggrandise, but rather more appropriately and positively how they engaged themselves in their actions.</ref>|person=[[Percy Wilfred Machell|P.W. Machell]], Commanding Officer. [[23 December|23rd December]] 1915|source=[[Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale) - In France|Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale)]]}}
{{Quote|text=It is delightful how easily all the working parties can be arranged, and how satisfactorily an immense amount of work is done with a minimum amount of fatigue to the men, by careful and systematic arrangement beforehand. We do more than twice what the others do, and our men do it twice as easily. It is all very small, but it is good to see the result, both in the work and in the men themselves...I have three patrols every night. They go cautiously at first, and I get them to go a bit wider every night, so as gradually to get confidence.|person=[[Percy Wilfred Machell|P.W. Machell]], Commanding Officer. [[7 December|7]]-[[14 December|14th December]] 1915|source=[[Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale) - In France|Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale)]]}}
{{Quote|text=One of our patrols bumped into a German one a few night ago. Germans retired and we got our machine-gun on to them; one German got left, and was brought in in triumph, everyone much pleased. Last night patrol, under Matthews, the police sergeant, got right inside the German wire and located a big working party in the open. Got back and put a M.G. and a lot rifles on to them—groans, lights flying about, silence for half an hour, and then retaliation with whiz-bangs<ref>Referring to the sound of a light shell that was fired from smaller calibre field guns. Whiz (flight), bang (explosion).</ref> and rifle grenades—no effect. Quite good. It has given them a start, so much turns on the way the first things go. We have located a spot where I believe they are making a trench mortar battery, so we have arranged for our artillery to flatten this place quite out to-morrow. The new R.A. is first class.|person=[[Percy Wilfred Machell|P.W. Machell]], Commanding Officer. [[7 December|7]]-[[14 December|14th December]] 1915|source=[[Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale) - In France|Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale)]]}}
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