Page:Great Britain at War.djvu/63

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"too busy! Of course! I see! And where is the Captain during action, as a rule?"

As a matter of fact he stood — just where you are, sir. Stood there the whole six hours it was hottest."

"Here!" I exclaimed. "But it is quite exposed."

My Midshipmite, being a hardy veteran in world-shaking naval battles, permitted himself to smile.

"But, you see, sir," he gently explained, "it's really far safer out here than being shut up in a gun-turret or — or down below, on account of er — er — you understand, sir?"

"Oh, quite!" said I, and thereafter thought awhile, and, receiving his ready permission, lighted my cigarette. "I think," said I, as we prepared to descend from our lofty perch, "I'm sure it's just — er — that kind of thing that brought one Francis Drake out of so very many tight corners. By the way — do you smoke?"

My Midshipmite blushingly confessed

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