Page:The Great War.djvu/253

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A German Attack upon Antwerp 223 over the Pyrenees in 18 14, to the enemies of Na- poleon. Belgium, like Servia then, had rendered real service to the cause of her greater Allies. At the decisive moment in the Austro-Russian campaign in Galicia, when Austria needed every battalion at Lem- berg, Servia was not merely holding, but defeating four of the sixteen first line corps on her own fron- tier at the Jedar. Since Brussels fell Belgium had similarly occupied the attention of three German corps. Until Antwerp fell she seemed likely to con- tinue to render this service, of incalculable advan- tage now, when Germany needed all her soldiers to meet Russia, France and England. The capture of Antwerp would have been held impossible two months earlier. But German how- itzers had now shattered all preconceived notions of the impregnability of fortresses. Its position, partially surrounded by meadows, which could be inundated, together with its proximity to the Dutch frontier, prevented its complete investment. Its Seagate would remain open and supplies could flow in and out steadily, unless Germany ventured to in- vade Dutch territory — a risk too great to take now, it appeared. On the other hand, until Antwerp were taken German security in the West was unattainable. Its two circles of forts, now strengthened during eight weeks of waiting, had been reckoned so strong that

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