Page:The Great War.djvu/256

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226 'The Great War nations. Thus Togoland, Kamerun, German South- west Africa and German East Africa were acquired; Samoa, Kaiser Wilhelmsland and Spanish islands in the Pacific were annexed or purchased. Ten years ago the world map began to show considerable areas bearing the German color. Yet while Germany was doing this France ac- quired Madagascar, made good her empire from the Mediterranean to the Niger and the Congo, ex- tended her frontier in Indo-China, began the absorp- tion of Morocco. Great Britain conquered the Boer Republics, the United States the Philippines and Porto Rico; even little Belgium came into pos- session of the vast Congo Free State, incomparably superior to all the colonial acquisitions of the mighty German Empire. Italy, ally but still a rival, took. Tripoli, the last waste place on the North African coast. Thus, looking back over German official and un- official comment during the past decade there Is no- ticeable the ever-growing bitterness and dissatisfac- tion disclosed over the failure of modern Germany to acquire its " place in the sun," over the manifest injustice that was patent In a distribution of overseas land which had allotted to France, with a station- ary population, to Great Britain, also inferior in European population to Germany, splendid colonial territories capable of receiving European immi- grants, while Germans, without colonies, members of an ever-growing population, were compelled to

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