Page:The Great War.djvu/57

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CHAPTER yill ENGLAND MAKES UP HER MIND THE British ultimatum to Germany was sent on August 4. Already British fleets and land forces were being put on a war footing and it was unmistakable that the Belgian invasion had served to supply a cause and a willingness to fight hitherto by no means generally discoverable. The British ultimatum failed in its purpose and England declared that a state of war had existed between Great Britain and Germany since the night of August 4, but twenty-four hours before, Sir Ed- ward Grey in the House of Commons had delivered a speech which finally demonstrated that England had made up her mind. Exasperatingly inconclusive as were the words spoken by Sir Edward Grey on August 3 for those who looked for a declaration of war, there was no mistaking their import or his conviction. They were heard by a House already resolved upon war and they were translated to a waiting nation which had already made up its mind. The decision of England for war had for hours been recognized as inevitable. So long as there was the smallest hope of preserving peace, England's 47

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