The Great War/Volume IV/Part 58

The Great War – Volume IV, Part 58
Cov 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261
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validated proofread not proofread problematic

This is the index page for Part 58 of The Great War: The Standard History of the All-Europe Conflict (Volume IV). This part is titled "The Fall of Lemberg and the Russian Retreat from Galicia." It was published week ending 25 September, 1915, and was priced at 6d. (6 pence).

This week's periodical starts on page 253 and ends on page 280 (27 pages). The front cover portrays a studio photograph of Lieutenant Colonel Lord Brook, Leopold Greville, 6th Earl of Warwick, who at the time was Aide-de-camp to Sir John French before being promoted to Brigadier General later that year and commanding the 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade. There are 3 advertisements, 45 images and 1 map.

The table shows the current transcribing progress of each page. The normal transcribing process involves three main pathways:

  • Not proofread is the default value for new pages. If using the Proofread Page extension, text is automatically included when creating/saving the page. If not, then text will will have either been transcribed manually or copied from other electronic archives. At this pathway text has not been proofread for errors.[1] (see all pages)
  • Proofread means the text has been proofread for errors and inconsistencies by one contributor.[2] Proofreading does not necessarily include page links, however, most of the styling will be done during this pathway. (see all pages)
  • Validated means the text has been proofread by two contributors. The corresponding button is available only if the page has been already proofread by someone else. (See all pages.)

In addition to the above:

  • Without text is for blank pages. It is not used for image pages. (See all pages.)
  • Problematic usually indicates a problem that requires further attention due to conflicting information, missing pages, illegible text, low resolution images or any number of issues that may arise.[3] (See all pages.)


  1. Please note that text copied from electronic archives using Optical Character Recognition software will invariably consist of multiple typo errors, especially if copied from material that has once already been through OCR software.
  2. Spelling inaccuracies are transcribed as is and erroneous words will typically include [sic] to denote the word has been transcribed exactly as printed.
  3. Pages with issues will remain marked as such until the issues have been resolved to a satisfactory and conclusive level.


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