Summary of Events
August 1st
51st Brigade, being in Corps Reserve, proceeded to bivouacs near KRUISTRAAT arriving at 3.30am.
Aug 2nd
Nothing special occurred, a few shells in the vicinity.
Aug 3rd
“B” Coy returned from SANCTUARY WOOD.
Aug 4th/5th
In same bivouacs, B Coy, 2 platoons each day, went to St. ETOI trenches for instruction.
Aug 6th
Left bivouacs at 11pm and returned to billets RENINGHELST.
Aug 7th
Aug 8th
Heard sounds of terrific bombardment from 2am to 7am near HOOGE.
Aug 9th to 13th
In billets RENINGHELST. This period characterised by excessive number of night working parties. The parties were much too big and from reports much confusion & little work resulted.
Aug 14th
Bn took over the “P” trenches near VOORMEZEELE from 9th Noth’d[1] Fusiliers. Owing to misdirection relief not complete till 3am.
Aug 15th
A Quiet day and nothing of note occurred. The P trenches are about 150 yards from enemy on an [? - array]. Our trenches consist of breastworks in most cases. The difficulties of water are great there is no fit supply in trenches and all water has to be brought down a long C.T.[2] which takes nearly an hour to traverse.
Aug 16th
Quiet day. Some shelling of P4 by light field guns.
Aug 17th
Quiet day. At night enemy fired trench mortar into P1. Total casualties caused [illegible] 1 killed & 3 wounded.
Aug 18th
The Enemy appear to be Bavarian, a Bavarian & German flag was stuck up in enemy’s parapet last night and our bombers threw 12 bombs into a working party in enemy’s parapet last night. A signaler was killed in P3 from looking over the parapet. The men are inclined to do this at present.
Aug 19th
150 shells from light field gun (“whizz bang”) fired at P4. All missed parapet and went well over. Very noticeable how Germans seem to fire large number of shells at exactly the same spot without correcting. They put about 30 H.E.[3] Shells from Howitzer today in almost exactly the same spot midway between our first and second line.
Aug 20th
Should be mentioned 8th S. Staffords are on our left and 52nd Brigade on our right. Our Howitzers did some good shooting today and put about 30 shells into Enemy’s front and 2nd line trenches.
Aug 21st & 22nd
Very quiet days and nights, nothing worthy of note has occurred. [? - Array] [? - given] to [?] rations, water & trench stoves working well. Water is carried in petrol tins and each man gets about 1 ½ pints per diem[4] for all purposes. Rations are carried in pairs of sand bags, 12 men’s rations in each pair of bags.
Aug 23rd
Reports received that our parades has been hit several times by shots coming from the rear, probably 52nd Brigade snipers aiming at wrong mark. Quiet day!
Aug 24th
Quiet day and nothing to report.
Aug 15th
Enemy artillery searching for our batteries in rear, apparently without success. Only casual sniping from Enemy’s trenches. No activity of note.
Aug 28th
Bn relived by 10th West Yorks. Relief [illegible] successfully completed without casualty by 11.30pm. Bn marched back to billets at RENINGHELST.
Aug 27th – 29th
Aug 30th
Bn is to be lent to 3rd Division and proceed to SANCTUARY WOOD Nr HOOGE tomorrow night.
Aug 31st
Marched to KRUISTRAAT where met guides and took over A12. B1. B2. R4. R5. Trenches from 1st Lincolns.
Summary of BATTLE CASUALTIES for July & August see Appendix 2.