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We'll Make Them Give in

From the Lonsdale Battalion wiki
(Redirected from Will Make Them Give in)
←Back to: Workington Star and Harrington Guardian

Private J.J. Tallentire (18130), 11th Border, in a letter dated April 23rd, says:

Dear Sir,

I take great pleasure in writing to let you know that I received your beautiful parcel of cigarettes, tobacco, etc., and I thank you very much indeed. Where we are you can’t get hold of a cigarette like Old Tom. I see the parcel has been to my Regiment: but I have got it all right. I hope you may have a good Easter. I haven’t much news for you, but if the sods do not give in before long, they will be made to, and they deserve all they get.
Workington Star and Harrington Guardian, Published 12 May, 1916.
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