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Mrs. Williams, of Derwent Crossings, has received official intimation, that her husband, Lance-Corporal D.B. Williams (Dan) has been killed in action. Deceased who was 27 years of age, leaves a widow and three young children, aged twelve months, three and five years respectively, for whom deep sympathy is expressed. He was the oldest son of Councillor J.H. and Mrs. Williams, Westfield, and by trade was a boilersmith, having served his apprenticeship at the local works. He was very well known, and a general favourite. Councillor Williams has another son with the Colours; he has also five soldier brothers, and one of them has two sons at the Front.
Mrs. Bacon, 180 Harrington-road, has been officially informed that her fifth son, Signaller Stanley Bacon, has been killed in action. Deceased was a fine young fellow, 22 years of age. He had taken part – like most of the family – in the Christmas show for the poor. He was about three years with Mr. Jackson, solicitor, and before joining the Colours he was in the offices of the Workington Iron and Steel Company.
Official notification of the death of Sergeant C.W. Pugh, youngest son of Mr. Ernest Pugh, Moss Bay Road, has been received. Deceased, who was 29 years of age, was employed on a locomotive at the Moss Bay Works before joining the Colours, and was very well known in the town. About three months since we sent him a concertina, and a fortnight ago we sent him a parcel of smokes, but, unfortunately, he would not live to receive them.
Private John W. Kendall, who was wounded in the leg, and is in a home hospital, referring to Private Stanley Smith, who was a hosier in Jane Street before joining the Colours, writes:- “I know for a fact that he died, as he was lying about a yard off me, and he was dead then.”
Mr. and Mrs. Kegg, John Street, have now received official confirmation of the death of their son, Private Robert John Reed McKegg, whose death was referred to in last week’s STAR. It appears he was killed on the fatal (to many) July 1st.
Official confirmation has been received to the effect that Private Thomas Lamont, son of Mrs. Lamont, Brow Top, was also killed on July 1st. He was 43 years of age, well known and highly respected.—Workington Star and Harrington Guardian, Published 21 July 1916.