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Made Fritz Angry

From the Lonsdale Battalion wiki
←Back to: Workington Star and Harrington Guardian

Smiles After A Warm Time

H. Ward, writing on April 23rd, says:

Dear Sir,

Having received the parcel of cigarettes you so kindly sent me, I wish to thank you for your goodness in thinking about the boys out here. The night that parcel arrived I shared them round to the Platoon, and not having had a fag for a day or two we lit up for an enjoyable smoke; but alas! Fritz must have smelt them and got angry, for he started bombarding us, and made an attempt to attack. It was pretty warm; but we are still smiling. Thanking you once more. Private W. Humes also wishes to be remembered to you.
Workington Star and Harrington Guardian, Published 12 May 1916.
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