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Dear Sir,
I am very pleased to say that I received the concertina quite safe to-day, and I desire to thank you and the donor for this gift. I have handed the concertina to Private Whitehead, and he is quite satisfied with it and wishes to thank the donor, who happens to be an old pal of his, and both the concertina and playing cards enclosed are being freely used by the Platoon. We were quite taken by surprise when it arrived, and never expected such a ready response to the appeal. I can safely say that Workington men of the Lonsdales have not wanted long for anything if made it known to the public. We are now a few miles behind the line of fire, but how long we shall remain here I cannot say. We are well in mud, but our sleep is not disturbed at night by shells or whizz-bangs, so we shall put up with any other inconveniences. We are at present experiencing some very wet weather, which does not improve the terra firma. I must draw to a close, wishing your valuable paper every success, and again thanking Mr. ___ for his kindness. Private Whitehead also expresses his thanks, and never expected that his friend would be the donor, and the mention of the name gave him remembrances of his football days.
With best thanks and kind regards.—Workington Star and Harrington Guardian, Published 10 March, 1916.