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2/4th Battalion - Diary 1916

From the Lonsdale Battalion wiki
January 20th “A” Company proceeded to Sooradavee in order to complete field firing. Returned 24th January, 1916.
January 24th “B” Company proceeded to Shankargarh for company training. Returned 5th February, 1916.
January 27th “C” Company proceeded to Sooradavee for field firing and company training. Returned 18th February, 1916.
February 7th “D” Company proceeded to Shankargarh for company training. Returned 19th February, 1916.
February 14th Inspection of Allahabad Detachment by Major-General May, G.O.C. the 8th (Lucknow) Division.
February 18th “A” Company proceeded to Sooradavee for company training. Returned 4th March, 1916.
March 7th and 8th Inspection of half Battalion by Brigadier-General C. G. Prendergast, C.B., G.O.C. Jubbulpore Infantry Brigade, a company attack, supported by the Machine Gun Section, being carried out at Sooradavee on the second day.
March 19th Headquarters, “A,” and “C” Companies left Kamptee for Peshawar, North-west Frontier Province, having been relieved by the 1st Garrison Battalion Scottish Rifles. Whilst at Kamptee the Battalion found the garrison (strength 2 officers and 92 other ranks) for Fort Sitabuldi, Nagpur. This Detachment, in addition to the ordinary duties, were instructed in the artillery and machine guns which formed part of the armament of the Fort. An attached section was formed for the Depot of the 1/5th Buffs, to which many of that battalion returned from Mesopotamia sick and wounded after the unsuccessful attempts to relieve the troops under General Townshend, besieged in Kut. The Detachment at Allahabad found the Detachment for the Allahabad Fort. The companies proceeded to Shankargarh for company training and field firing. The Detachment was inspected by both the G.O.C. Allahabad Brigade (Brigadier-General Johnston) and the G.O.C. the 8th (Lucknow) Division (Major-General May).
March 20th “B” and “D” Companies left Allahabad for Peshawar, having been relieved by the 1st Garrison Battalion The Manchester Regiment.
March 23rd “B” and “D” Companies arrived at Peshawar. The whole battalion was accommodated in mobilisation tents (opposite the 72nd Punjabi lines), where it remained until 6th May. It was attached to the 1st (Peshawar) Infantry Brigade, under Brigadier-General L. C. Dunsterville, C.B., A.D.C.
March 29th The Battalion was inspected by the G.O.C. 1st (Peshawar) Infantry Brigade.
April 1st One officer and 70 other ranks took over the duties of the Peshawar Fort Detachment.
April 4th The troops at Peshawar paraded on the Brigade Parade Ground to celebrate the assumption of Viceroy and Governor-General in India by the Right Honourable Sir Frederick John Napier Thesiger, P.C., G.C.M.G., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., Baron Chelmsford.
April 5th Tactical scheme by Peshawar Infantry Brigade, under Brigadier-General L. C. Dunsterville, C.B., A.D.C., between Shah and Katcha Garhi, “A” Company acting as escort to the Signal Section beyond Shah on the Michni Road.
April 29th The Battalion was inspected by Major-General Sir F. Campbell, K.C.B., G.O.C. 1st (Peshawar) Division.
May 6th Headquarters, “C” and “D” Companies proceeded to Gharial Spur, Murree Hills, by route march, from Rawal Pindi. Arrived llth May. “A” and ” B ” Companies moved into Roberts Barracks, Peshawar.
June 25th A draft of 35 N.C.O.'s and men arrived at Gharial Spur from the 3/4th Border Regiment, England.
August 1st “D” Company left Gharial Spur for Peshawar.
August 2nd “A” Company arrived at Gharial Spur from Peshawar. One officer and 70 other ranks, ” D ” Company, took over the duties of the Peshawar Fort.
August 26th A draft of 3 officers and 243 other ranks arrived at Gharial Spur from the 3/4th Border Regiment, England.
September 5th Inspection of the Battalion at Chamiari Camp by Brigadier-General H. Isacke, C.M.G., Director of Military Training India.
September 8th Inspection of the Peshawar Detachment by the G.O.C. 1st (Peshawar) Infantry Brigade.
September 12th Inspection of the Battalion at Chamiari Camp by the Northern Army Commander, Lieut.-General Sir A. A. Barrett, G.C.B., K.C.S.I. Captains W. C. S. Angus and R. Hargreaves proceeded to Mesopotamia, and were attached to the 1/5th East Kents.
September 15th Detachment ordered to be held in readiness to proceed to Aden for attachment to the 1/4th Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. This order was subsequently countermanded.
October 1st The 1st (Peshawar) Division mobilised for active service against the Mohmands.
October 3rd Headquarters, ” A” and “C” Companies left Gharial for Peshawar. Arrived 7th October, 1916.
October 23rd Lieut. J. Glasson proceeded to Shab Kadr on duty as Officer Commanding Advanced Base Depot. Returned 30th November.
October 28th Arroyo dos Molinos Day commemorated. Battalion shoot, sports, football match, and concert held.
November 1st Inspection by G.O.C. 1st (Peshawar) Division (Major-General Sir F. Campbell, K.C.B., D.S.O.).
November 12th Captain V. S. Jones proceeded to Shab Kadr as Officiating Staff Captain to the 1st (Peshawar) Infantry Brigade. Returned 4th December.
November 15th Captain P. S. Hamilton, 4 officers, and 150 other ranks proceeded to Adozai, acted as reserve in the engagement against the Mohmands at Hafiz Kor on the same day, and afterwards as escort to the 16th Artillery Brigade. One officer and 70 other ranks of “C” Company took over the duties of the Peshawar Fort Detachment.
November 19th Two officers and 38 other ranks returned from Adozai.
November 21st Captain P. S. Hamilton, 2 officers, and 110 other ranks returned from Adozai.
November 30th The Battalion moved from the Roberts Barracks into camp near Taikal Cemetery. Eight officers arrived from England for attachment to the Battalion.
December 6th Two officers arrived from England for attachment to the Battalion.
December 7th A draft of 2 officers and 40 other ranks arrived from the 3/4th Border Regiment, England.
December 13th His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, General Sir Charles Munro, K.C.M.G., K.C.B., inspected the troops of the Peshawar Garrison on the Brigade Parade Ground.
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