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8th Battalion War Diary, April 1916

From the Lonsdale Battalion wiki
    8th Border Regiment War Diary Transcriptions (1915-1918)
The National Archives WO/95/2251    
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Place Date Hour Summary of Events
MONCHY BRETON 1st The Battalion was inspected at close order drill by the Corps Commander in the morning. Companies cleaned billets during the afternoon.
2nd Church parade.
3rd The Battalion was engaged in wood fighting, attack, & defence.
4th Route march.
5th Company drill in the morning. Brigade concentration night march and attack of a position.
6th Company training drill for NCOs.
7th Battalion practised attack on trenches.
8th C Coy at ST POL relieved by D Coy. 100 men of B Coy on fatigue in bombing school. A Coy on range in morning.
9th Church Parade.
10th Bn practised as Advance Guard to Inf Bde in [??] the country. Communication drill for NCOs. Col. Bond to Div School.
11th Very wet. Companies exercised in musketry & close order. Billets cleaned up. Lectures to NCOs & Officers.
12th Very wet. Companies exercised in musketry & close order. 250 men to demonstration of flame projector.
13th Showery. Companies exercised in musketry &close order. Squads practised in firing Lewis Gun on miniature range.Lectures to officers & NCOs.
14th Brigade Concentration March& inspection by Corps Commander. Communication drill for NCOs afternoon. Lewis Gun firing on range.
15th Companies exercised in close order drill, musketry & bayonet fighting. Lewis gun firing on the range. C.O. went up to inspect front line trenches occupied by 46th Division.
16th Church parade & inspections.
17th The CO, Adjutant and Company Commanders visited the new front line trenches North of [Arras?].
18th Company Commander proceeded to Burneville to see demonstration of flammenwerfer.
19th Company parade & training.
20th The battalion was employed cleaning up billets and preparing to hand over to the incoming unit (1/6 S.Stafford Regt).
MONCHY BRETON TRENCHES 21st The battalion proceeded to Ecoivres at 2.30pm in motor lorries andbuses halted there till 7.30pm and then proceeded to relieve the 1/6 S.Stafford Regt. in the trenches. North of Neuville St. Vaast. We connected up with the 1st Wiltshire Regt. of 7th Bde on our left and with 2nd Battn S. Lancashire Regt. on our right. D, C & A companies in the firing line, B Coy in reserve.
TRENCHES 22nd The relief completed at 4.30am. Repair of trenches much hindered by continuous rain.
23rd The Battalion engaged in repairing and improving trenches.
24th The Batt was engaged in draining trenches of water and taking p boards and relaying, also repairing trenches.
25th & 26th As on 23 & 24. On the 25th at 11.15pm our advanced posts were bombed & again at 8am on the 26th. Unfortunately we had casualties. One Serjeant killed and five men wounded two missing[1]
27th The Battalion was relieved during the night by the XI Cheshire Regt.
28th The Battalion rested in Neuville St. Vaast and were engaged in cleaning up equipment clothing etc. During the afternoon C & D Coys furnished working parties in the support lines. At 7.30pm while D Company were working a shell burst in the middle killing 1 Serjeant, 2 men and injuring [6?] others. Later one of the wounded men died.[2] Stand to alarm from 9pm – 11pm.
29th The Battalion furnished fatgues for the construction of new support line and in the repair of existing communication trenches.
30th The Battalion providedworking parties for construction of [subsidiary?] line and general repair of communication trenches.
P. Strachan, Major
Comdg 8th Border Regiment

References / notes

  • National Archives Catalogue Reference: WO/95/2251
  • The transcription above is available under the National Archives Open Government Licence for public sector information.
  • War diary made available by M. Deacon and transcribed by P. Bramham.
  1. The fatalities were: T.H. Anderson (13525 L/Sgt.) Age:21. Son of Daniel and Mary Ann Anderson, of 3 Bransty Villas, Whitehaven, Cumberland; J. Garth (Pte.) Age:21. Son of John and Emma Garth, of Field Cottage, Milnthorpe, Westmorland. Both buried La Chaudiere Military Cemetery, Vimy.
  2. The casualties were: J. Butler (12384 Pte.); A. Marsden (12923 Sgt.); J. Tweddle (12227 L/Cpl.) Age:28. Son of T. Tweddle, of Coatham Mundeville, Darlington. Robert Kendall Whittam (19330 Pte.) Age:32. "D" Coy. 8th Bn. Son of Robert and Jane Whittam, of Church View, Staveley, Kendal, Westmorland. All buried: La Chaudiere Military Cemetery, Vimy.
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