Summary of Events
1st August
Relieved R Innis Fus on ectreme left of firing line taking up from the sea over FUSILIER BLUFF to the barricade in J13. A & B Coys in firing line, C Coy in support & D in reserve (in TROLLY RAVINE). Headquarters were established in BORDER RAVINE. Eight saps in progress in right section of firing line & work in there was continued day & night. The parapet throughout the whole line had to be practically remade as it was much too high & not bullet proof at the top nor were there any loopholes for snipers. No special activity on the part of the enemy during the day, beyond sniping which was extremely accurate from well concealed loopholes & owning to the unsafe state of our parapet & lack of loopholes the enemy's superiority was for the time complete. During the night the enemy kept up an almost continuous fire but made no attempt to attack.
Work as on previous day continued. Soon after dark a bombing party of the enemy tried to get into a small ravine close under the parapet of the trench held by A Coy. They were spotted by our lookouts & driven off with loss by bombs & rifle fire before they could do any damage. 2nd Lt AMPT placed on sick list.
C & D Coys relieved A & B in the firing line, A going into support & B in reserve. By this time something like an equality in sniping had been established partly by constructing proper loopholes & also by the use of periscope rifles & the enemy's sniping was consequently kept within reasonable limits.
GALLIPOLI [new page]
3rd August
2/Lts CRANFIELD, COE & ARMSTRONG joined the Battalion.
During the afternoon an attempt was made to get into communication with the enemy as the G.O.C. wished to send out a letter by an interpreter. Fire was ceased along our front & two khaki flags waved from our fire trench for about 20 minutes but the enemy refused to recognize them & opened fire with a mountain battery on the place where they were being shown. Fire was accordingly re[?].
Preliminaries for a series of attacks by the 29th Division arranged & careful reconnaissances made of the ground allotted to the 87th Bde. Detailed plans made for accompanying the task of assaulting & capturing the portions of the J trenches occupied by the enemy & for establishing our line across both arms of the nullah with the right resting on H14. 2nd Lt ARMSTRONG placed on sick list.
Attack on H trenches by 88th Bde during afternoon. Attack unsuccessful & projected attacks by other Brigades of the 29th Division arranged for subsequent days accordingly cancelled.
LT A.V. MARSDEN wounded. Total casualties for week: officers wounded one, rank & files killed three, wounded eighteen. 2nd Lt ARMSTRONG rejoined from sick list.
8th, 9th, 10th
Usual sniping continued day & night. Patrols were sent out nightly along the beach & discovered that the enemy were in the habit of sending a party estimated at 60 strong down to their wire entanglements on the beach each night. Attempts were made to abush patrols sent out from this party but without success. LT J.T.B. DINWIDDIE promoted temporary Captain & LTs W.F.H. CHAMBERS & G.W. O'BRIEN temporary Lieutenants.
GALLIPOLI [new page]
11th August
LT HOLLAND 10th SUFFOLK REGT, 2nd LT STEER 10th NORFOLK REGT & 2nd Lt W.A. PRICE 1/BORDER REGT & 100 R & F joined from ENGLAND. CAPT KENNEDY & LT WILSON placed on sick list.
12th 13th
Nothing of special military interest occurred though every endeavour was made to keep the enemy fully employed & to ascertain in what strength the trenches immediately in front of us were held. No decrease in the enemy's strength was perceptible & any aggressive movement met with strong opposition not only in our sector of the line but also in portions held by other units of the Division.
Enemy suddenly opened heavy fusilade from their front trenches & the troops in occupation of them fixed bayonets. Our trenches were fully manned with great promptitude & all arrangements made to repel any attack. About 6.30pm the Turks exploded their mine underneath our barricade in J12 (held by R.I.F.[1]) but no attack was made & the firing died down at dusk. Casualties during the week rank & file, killed 5, wounded 15.
LT O/BRIEN & LT HOLLAND placed on sick list. Orders received that the battalion would be relieved by the ROYAL FUSILIERS the following morning & return to X Beach. During the period 1st to 15th August a tremendous amount of hard work was performed by the battalion. The new saps which had only just been started on the right sector of the line when we took over, were Teed out to either flank & a new continuous firing line some 15 to 20 yards in advance of the old one completed. On the left sector continuous work was required to keep the parapet bullet proof & also in revetting the fire step & making steps in the [?- flood] of the trench to make passage up & down it easy. A second line of defence from the mule track to the sea just N of TROLLEY RAVINE was also constructed. Very heavy daily fatigues were also necessary to get rations & water to the firing line from head of Y Ravine.
GALLIPOLI [new page]
16th August
The Battn was relieved by ROYAL FUSILIERS & proceeded to X Beach (in future designated IMPLACABLE Beach).
Order received from 87th Bde to embark 600 NCOs & men at V Beach at 9pm & remaining 319 at same place at 9.30pm.
Embarkation completed.
Battn disembarked at SUVLA BAY & went into bivouac near PUNAR.
Order recieved for Battn to march at 8pm & proceed to headquarters of 159th Bde, 53rd Div, less A Coy who proceeded to headquarters of 158th Bde.
Battn reached hqs of 159th Bde but owing to lateness of hour O.C. Bde decided not to attempt to advance his line as had been intended & the Battn accordingly returned to Azmak nullah where it bivouacked for the night.
Arrangements for assisting the 159th Bde to advance their line after dark were made & three patrols were sent out in front of the line to assist in dealing with the snipers who were causing considerable losses amongst the bde. These patrols did excellent work & pushed out from 600 to 1000 yards in front of the fire trench & accounted for five Turkish snipers & suffered no casualties themselves. A proportion of Territorials accompanied them for instruction in patrolling work.
18th August
One officer & 90 men from both B & C Coys were sent to assist 159th Brigade to advance their line, their special mission being to instruct the Territorials how to construct a fire trench in the dark under fire. The intention was to advance the line 400x & with this object in view a covering party ^from the 159th Bde was to be pushed out at dusk some 600x to cover the digging parties until they were sufficiently dug in to protect themselves. The covering party failed in all cases to go out far enough & in many cases to go out in the right direction & in consequence it was impossible to get the line forward more than from 150x to 200x.
This much however was accomplished & by daylight a fairly continuous line some 200x in advance of the old one had been established. Orders received from 87th Bde for Battn to be withdrawn at dusk & return to reserve camp. Battan left AZMAK nullah at dusk & when about a mile from the Reserve Camp was met by the Bde Major 87th Bde & directed to go into bivouac near the shore in square 116 P.
LT T. WALLACE & LT F.C. FRINK placed on sick list.
Order received from 87th Bde to be in readiness to move at 7.45pm & proceed to a position in rear of firing line in sq 105 h. Battn to be in Reserve & to dig in in four lines in suitable formation for immediate advance.
Battn marched off & reached new position about 10.30pm & proceeded to dig in where necessary.
21st August
C.O. ordered to attend at Bde hqs at Hill 53 (CHOCOLATE HILL). Bde orders for attack on HILL 70[2] to the following effect were handed to [?]: -
“Bde brigade will attack Hill 70 on a frontage of 400x from behind line now held by KOSB[3]. Artillery bombardment will commence at 2.30pm & at 3.30pm a covering fire will be opened by KOSB's in which 2 MG's 1/Border Regiment will assist. At 3.30pm the R Innis Fus will pass through line held by KOSB & make the assault. The 1/Border Regt will be held in support of the RIF & will move up into the trenches at present held by RIF as soon as that regt vacates them. The KOSB will remain in Reserve in the present fire trench”.
LT W. CLAGUE & 2nd Lt N.C. AMPT rejoined convalescent from wounds & from sick list respectively.
Battn orders Operation order No I for the Battn (based on the above) issued.
Information received from Bde that R.I.F. will send out a thin firing line about four or five hundred yards to the front of the line held by the KOSB at 3.5pm, the actual assault on Hill 70 to begin at 3.30pm.
Order received fromBde to support R.I.F. & take Hill 70.
D & C Coys advanced to the supports of the R.I.F. whose attack on the hill had been checked apparently by enfilade fire from the left.
Message from to R.I.F. & 1st Border Regt “Hill 70 must be taken”.
Order sent to O.C. A Coy to support C Coy & guard the left flank.
Another message sent to A Coy to push forward in support of C Coy, the left of HILL 70 being named as the objective.