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1st Battalion War Diary, June 1916

From the Lonsdale Battalion wiki
1st Border Regiment War Diary Transcriptions (1915-1918)
The National Archives WO/95/4311 & WO/95/2305  
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Place Date Hour Summary of Events
2 Lt DCR STUART joined battalion

2 Lt E.A. BARRY unattached list struck off strength of battalion 24-5-16
Casualties for week ending 3/6/16
Killed - nil
Wounded - 1
Missing - nil
Sick - 5
Rejoin fr Hosp - 6 [all] Other Ranks

15 men attached to Divisional Reserve Coy.
Relieved SWB in left subsector of right sector, relief complete by 1910
2 Lt A. CAMPBELL to course at Division School.

Casualties for week ending 10/6/16
Killed - nil
Wounded - 2 (accidentally at demonstration of T.[illegible])
Missing - nil
Sick - 23
Rejoin fr Hosp - 15

2 Lt SAMPSON H.[? - E or F]. 2 Lt CHEVERTON struck off strength of battalion 12.6.16
Lt SINCLAIR J.B. rejoin fr Hosp
2 Lt CAMPBELL rejoin from Div School ACHEUX.
Battalion relieved by 11 NFld Reg't and went into billets at LOUVENCOURT
During [illegible] 7-6-16 to 15-6-16 the activity shown by enemy, generally quiet. Heavy rain continuous.

Casualties week ending 17th
Other ranks
Killed - nil
Wounded - 6
Missing - nil
Sick - 11
Rejoin fr Hosp 12

40 other ranks joined from base.
Capt J R FARRELL to Rouen as [? - instructor] 29th Div. Base.
2 Lt DUFF - 2 Lt WHITEHOUSE - 2 Lt MAcCLEOD to course at 29th Div. School.
2 Lt H E WATKINS 13th R. WARWICKSHIRE (attd 1/Bn Regt) struck off strength [illegible] of G.C.M.
2 Lt F H PRESCOTT 3d Border joined from Base.

Casualties wk ending 25th
Killed - nil
Wounded - nil
Missing - nil
Sick to Hosp - 11
Rejoin from Hosp - 10.

21 OR joined from base
Battn marched to camp ACHUEX.
2 Lt DUFF rejoined from Div. School ACHEUX
2 Lt BADGER CLARK rejoined from sick leave.
2 Lt KC HAMILTON (10th Border) joined from Base

Casualties diary wk ending 30th
Killed - 0
Wounded - 2
Missing - 0
Sick - 6
Rejoin from Hosp - 2

A raiding party (D Coy) 50 men under Lieut BREMNER left ACHEUX in the afternoon proceeding to front line. The raiding party moved off for KNIGHTSBRIDGE BKS at 10.45pm & arrived at the top of SHAFTSBURY AV (point of exit) at 11.30pm with the exception of the two Bangalore torpedo, which were sent in charge of a guide provided by RIF to move over the top of the trenches & form up at the point of exit.

This arrangement was made on account of the extreme difficulty of getting them along the trenches. Apparently the guide took this way & the torpedoes did not turn up till 12.5am, it was then found that the fuse holes were choked with mud. The hour fixed for the party to issue from our trenches was 11.50pm but owing to the non arrival of the torpedoes this was delayed till 12 mn.
At this hour the party started out & LT BREMNER succeeded in finding the cut in the wire at Q 17 A 8:85. All the wire was cut with the exception of the last 8' which consisted of a thick mass of iron knife rest trestles.
Just as he got to the wire the NFLd Regts' raid on the German salient [illegible] & at once machine gun & rifle fire was opened by the enemy & a large number of 'very lights' were [illegible]. LT BREMNER was trying all this time to cut through the wire with clippers but progress was too slow & at 1.5am, he gave the order for the party to reline to our trenches, [illegible] our line at 1.20am. No casualties.

References / notes

  • National Archives Catalogue Reference: WO/95/2305
  • The transcription above is available under the National Archives Open Government Licence for public sector information.
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