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11th Battalion War Diary, June 1918

From the Lonsdale Battalion wiki
11th Border Regiment War Diary Transcriptions (1915-1918)
The National Archives WO/95/2403  
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Place Date Hour Summary of Events
1 June
The cadre moved from BUIGNY (Gamaches)[1] and MONTCHELET to PENDE with 1st Batt. 328 Infantry Brigade (American). 1 Coy Cadre proceeded to SELLENELLE to 320 American M.G. Battn. relieving 2/7th Lancashire Regt coy cadre. 1 Coy Cadre proceeded to ESTREBOEUF to 320 American M.G. Coy.

Training continued - chiefly musketry, L.G. and Gas.

5 June
1 Coy Cadre regained Battn. cadre at TENDE being relieved by 2/7th Bn. Lancashire Fusiliers Coy Cadre.

Training continued in glorious weather and good progress made.

16 June
328 Regt, 82nd Div, left the area.
16/18 June
Cadre continued its own training, refresher courses etc.
18 June
2nd Bn. 108 American Inf. Regt., 27th American Div., arrived. 4 officers and 2 Coy Cadres proceeded to MONS BOUBERT to help training of 3rd Bn. 108 American Inf. Regt.
19 June
The Cadre moved to FRANLEU to 3rd Battn. 105 American Inf. Regt., 27th American Div. 4 officers and 2 Coy Cadres to MIANNAY to 2nd Bn 105 Inf. Regt.

Training proceeded - in glorious weather.

22 June
The Cadre proceeded by mach route to DOULLENS, stageing[2] as follows:-

Night of 2/23 June [1+9]
2 Coys ONEUX

Night of 23/24 June
marching with 3rd & 2nd Bn. 105 Inf. Regt. respectively.

24 June
Arrive DOULLENS - billets in the town.
25/26 June
Training continued - weather good.
27 June
The whole Cadre left DOULLENS and marched to AILLY le Haut CLOCHER, stageing[2] night of 27/28 at BERNAVILLE.
28 June
Arrived AILLY le Haut CLOCHER and affiliated to H.Q and 1st BN 130th American Inf. Regt., 33rd American Division.
29 June
Training proceeded.
[signed] A.N. Evehill, Lt. Col.
O.C. 11th Bn. The Border Regiment

References / notes

  • National Archives Catalogue Reference: WO/95/2403
  • The transcription above is available under the National Archives Open Government Licence for public sector information.
  1. The village of Buigny les Gamaches is in the Somme departement near the coast and near Montchelet mentioned. Pende is up the coast west of Abbeville. There are several other Buigny's in France, so the diarist was trying to make the place clearer to the reader.
  2. 2.0 2.1 The diarist means marching in stages to the destination with the places mentioned as stopover points (stageing - misspelling).
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