14 April

Revision as of 09:42, 18 January 2017 by Borderman (talk | contribs) (one death added to 1917)

Lonsdale Battalion events that took place on 14 April.
For events that took place elsewhere, see 14 April on The Great War wiki.


  • Battalion in support at Aveluy involved in working parties.[1][2]
  • 'A' Company proceeds to isolation camp at Senlis (measles). Training continues during the entire period of isolation.[2]
  • Private J. Howsen writes a letter to the Workington Star and Harrington Guardian:
Dear Star Man, I now take the pleasure of writing and acknowledging the parcel of smokes forwarded on to me, and I must take this opportunity of thanking the customers of the Royal Hotel, oh! to have a night with them! Well we have been back a bit, but they have moved us up again, and we expect to go in the firing line in a couple of days time. I saw in your paper where the 5th Border were grumbling about hard work, but I think all the Border men are alike. If there are any fatigues in our Division it’s “send for the 11th Border.” Thanking you and your subscribers for their kindness towards me, and trusting you will convey my thanks to the customers of the Royal Hotel, not forgetting Jack Bates himself, through your valuable paper.
P.S. – As regards the fatigues our fellows have to do, they have got a little rhyme up, and it can be seen any time you have a mind to have a walk up the communication trench to the firing line. It runs as follows:
The Lord made the bee,
The bee made the honey;
The Border do the work,
And the R.E.’s get the money. [3]



      References & Notes
  1. A group of soldiers (or prisoners) that are assigned to perform manual tasks or duties, for their own or other units.
  2. 2.0 2.1 11th Battalion War Diary, April 1916
  3. Been Back a Bit, but Moved Up AgainWorkington Star and Harrington Guardian. Published 28 April 1916.