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8th Border Regiment trench raid: RE hand-written order (8th Nov 1917)

From the Lonsdale Battalion wiki

"D" Special Coy RE
Operation Order No 31
Reference Map:- La Bassess 36cN.W.1    Copy No. 4

1. A raid will take place on night 8/9 Nov. 1917 on 75th Inf. B. front if wind and weather conditions are favourable.
In conjunction with this there will be a simulated [cylinder?] discharge by means of smoke candles from the front line and "E" Special Coy will project 200 drums "CG".

2. Sections 16 and 19 under 2/Lts Daniels and Bishop will instruct OC projectors each.

3. Projectors position is about A27a9.9.

4. Target is A28b central.

5. Wind limits are:- WSW through to WNW.

6. The firing of projectors will be the signal for smoke candles to be lit.

7. OC Sections 16 and 19 will wire wind readings in [illegible] to Lt Saunders (who will be at Bn HQ BRADDELL POINT) addressed "George c/o CB35". These will be sent at the following times - Zero minus 2½ hrs, minus 2 hrs, minus 1 hr, minus ½ hr.

8. The following code will be used:-
      Operation will take place to-night = ALL SWANK
      Operation will not take place to-night = EXEMPT
      Projectors discharged - clear = FIT
In the event of the wind becoming unfavourable by zero minus 10 minutes light signals will be used. OC Sn 16 + 19 will make arrangements for careful look-out to be kept for these signals and will act accordingly:-
      Succession of GREEN Verey lights fired from the junction of the front line and the LA BASSEE Road by OC Raiders at Zero minus 10 minutes = Operation will not take place tonight.

9. The following precautions will be taken by the troops in the line. All within the following area will wear box respirators from Zero minus 5 mins till ordered by their officer to remove them - after receipt of "all clear" viz:-
      Junction of TOWER RESERVE and ROBERTSON'S ALLEY east to front
      KINGS WAY - ARTHUR's KEEP - A27b0.2 to A27d9.8.

10. OC Sections 16 and 19 will each detail an orderly to report at BRADDELL POINT with watches at 7.30 pm 8/11/17.

11. Zero hour will be 12.35 am 9/11/17.

[signed] AG Saunders, Lt RE
Comdg D Special Coy RE

Issued at  2.0 pm  8/11/17 to:-

No. 1    CSCRE 1st Army
       2    75th Inf Bde
       3    74th Inf Bde
       4    25th Division
       5    OC Section 16
       6    OC Section 19
    7/8    War Diary
       9    File

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