25 July

Revision as of 16:06, 15 October 2022 by Borderman (talk | contribs) (joseph smith death added)

Lonsdale Battalion events that took place on 25 July.
For events that took place elsewhere, see 25 July on The Great War wiki.

1916 (Tuesday)

  • Battalion parades for drill in the morning under Company arrangements.
  • Gas helmet and iron ration inspection in the afternoon.
  • The following pieces are published in the Carlisle Journal:
    • "Private John Bardgett has not been heard of since the engagement (July 1st). According to Private Hogg of Appleby, he was wounded in both legs."
    • "Private John W. Pillans (married), Hodgson's Lane, Stanwix, formerly employed by Messrs. Little and Ballantyne has been killed in action."

1917 (Wednesday)

1918 (Thursday)