
Lonsdale Battalion events that took place on 11 November.
For events that took place elsewhere, see 11 November on The Great War wiki.

1914 (Wednesday)

1915 (Thursday)

  • Lord Lonsdale travels to Codford Camp in Wiltshire to bid farewell to his men, which have been ordered to France.
  • Codford Camp: Lord Lonsdale speaks to the men and inspects a parade as they march by.

1916 (Saturday)

1917 (Sunday)

  • Battalion situated in the Winnezeele Area march to 'Road Camp' at 8.18am. Arrive 12 noon.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Record No. DLONS/L/13/13/185?
  2. Record No. DLONS/L/13/13/77