Lonsdale Battalion events that took place on 10 November.
For events that took place elsewhere, see 10 November on The Great War wiki.
1914 (Tuesday)
- Workington Recruiting Office: "Recruiting is quite brisk here today, between 20 or 30 left for the Camp this afternoon. The march out through this district did a lot of good, then men looked very well & behaved like gentlemen." [1]
- Thirty men are recruited at the Wigton hirings.[2]
- Enlistments: John Cowing (15548 L/Cpl.) and Henry Mandale Young (16322)
- Inoculations are given to B Company.
1915 (Wednesday)
- Codford Camp: "The Battalion being under orders to proceed on active service at short notice, the C.O. calls the attention of all ranks to the special importance of returning punctually from leave. In the event of any men being absent it will probably be necessary to post them to the Reserve Battalion and replace them by men selected for the First Draft." [3]
- Codford Camp: The men are instructed they will parade for the Earl of Lonsdale tomorrow (11 November). [3]
1916 (Friday)
- Battalion situated at La Vicogne involved in general parades.
1917 (Saturday)
- Roubrouck Area: Battalion march to the Winnezeele Area at 7.10am. Arrive 12 noon.
Lonsdale Battalion on this day... (hover to read more)
Sources: Various sources contemporary to the war have been used to compile the
Various sources contemporary to the war have been used to compile The Lonsdale Battalion On This Day. The majority of the events shown on this day (10 November), including any supplementary notes, enlistments and statistical data etc., have been primarily sourced from the Lonsdale Battalion War Diary (November 1915 to June 1918), Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale) and abridged material from Timeline and Chronology of the Lonsdale Battalion (September 1914 - May 1915), which are sourced from the original DLONS/L/13/13 Lowther Estate Archives. Events from that chronology are reproduced here with kind permission of Jim Lowther (2016). They are identified and referenced separately by their unique DLONS numbers. Please do not publish these events without prior permission from the Lowther Estate. All casualty names, numbers, ranks, date of deaths and places of burial/commemoration have been sourced from Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914-19, Volume 39, The Border Regiment and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission database respectively.