Lonsdale Battalion events that took place on 2 November.
For events that took place elsewhere, see 2 November on The Great War wiki.
1914 (Monday)
- Letter from Local Government Board: “....the conditions at Blackwell Camp....the following occur to me as the most important considerations in connection with its sanitation: steps should be taken to render the drinking of water from the well impossible....the conditions of water-carts which convey the Carlisle water to the camp should be strictly supervised and the tanks should be kept scrupulously clean...[1]
- Letter from Y.M.C.A.: “I understand that your Battalion is to be quartered for the winter in Carlisle and....we have been wondering whether we could offer you the use of our organisation and staff to carry on the work on the lines with which you are familiar for the benefit of your men. We have been approached by a number of our friends in the Lake District asking if we are going to do anything for the men, and of course, we are anxious to be of any possible service.[2]
- Enlistments: Stanley Bacon (15492), Francis Little (17584 Pte.) and Sydney Warwick (16338).
1915 (Tuesday)
- Codford: Battalion involved in programme of work for machine gun Section.[3]
1916 (Thursday)
- Battalion situated at La Vicgone involved in Brigade Field Day.
- 2.25pm: The Lonsdales take up position in artillery formation beyond a wood 2000 yards west of Herissat (near Talmas).
- 2.30pm: Advance 3000 meters in a westerly direction.
- 3.23pm: A Company, the leading company, passes through Val de Maison. Then shortly followed by B, C and D Companies.
- 3.45pm: Advance in waves at 100 yard intervals towards La Vicgone: A Company at 3.45pm, B Company at 3.50pm, C & D Companies at 3.52pm.
- 4.10pm: Rear of Battalion experiences difficulties. The ground in this area is rough and contains wire fences with deep gullies.
- 4.12pm: Held up again. Companies are mixed and slightly disorganised. Battalion again advances.
- 4.30pm: Battalion is well over rough the ground.
- 4.40pm: Position of consolidation is occupied on western side of La Vicgone.
- 4.43pm: Patrols push forward.
1917 (Friday)
- Battalion situated in the Roubrouck Area involved in Company training.
1920 (Tuesday)
- Labour Corps: Captain C.W. Fowke relinquishes his commissions on completion of service this day, and retains the rank of Captain.[4]
Lonsdale Battalion on this day... (hover to read more)
Sources: Various sources contemporary to the war have been used to compile the
Various sources contemporary to the war have been used to compile The Lonsdale Battalion On This Day. The majority of the events shown on this day (2 November), including any supplementary notes, enlistments and statistical data etc., have been primarily sourced from the Lonsdale Battalion War Diary (November 1915 to June 1918), Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale) and abridged material from Timeline and Chronology of the Lonsdale Battalion (September 1914 - May 1915), which are sourced from the original DLONS/L/13/13 Lowther Estate Archives. Events from that chronology are reproduced here with kind permission of Jim Lowther (2016). They are identified and referenced separately by their unique DLONS numbers. Please do not publish these events without prior permission from the Lowther Estate. All casualty names, numbers, ranks, date of deaths and places of burial/commemoration have been sourced from Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914-19, Volume 39, The Border Regiment and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission database respectively.