
Lonsdale Battalion events that took place on 25 November.
For events that took place elsewhere, see our sister project The Great War On This Day

1914 (Wednesday)

  • Schedule of lights and fittings at the Grand Stand.[1]
  • Monthly indents of personal clothing and kits are issued to C Company in Kendal.[2]

1915 (Thursday)

  • Battalion leaves Longpré at 1am: A Company marches to Ergnies, arriving at 7am.
  • B Company, C Company and D Company marches to Gorenflos, arriving at 5:30am and remain in billets.[3]
  • Lt-Col. Machell: "Very good moving on gradually, so the men get used to billeting; it’s a big change for these lads, accustomed to having everything done for them. Their minds move slowly and they think it’s still training; so far we have got along first rate, much better than others. Spring-Rice very good at getting the transport along." [3]

1916 (Saturday)

  • Battalion parades then leaves Arqueves at 9.25am; arrives Gezaincourt 12 noon.
  • A draft of 40 men reports in as reinforcements.

1917 (Sunday)

  • Battalion is situated in the Bellvue area.
  • A and C Companies withdraw without relief onto B and D Companies. Both A and C Companies suffer heavy casualties owing to a hostile barrage put down in the front line area.
  • Battalion is relieved by the 15th Highland Light Infantry, which completes at 11.30pm.
  • Battalion then moves on to relieve the 17th Highland Light Infantry in the left subsector via Kronprinz Farm. Relief completes at 2am on the following morning.
  • Captain J. Benson, 2nd Lieut. J.R McDonald, 2nd Lieut. Duncan and 35 other ranks are wounded. 12 other ranks are killed and 7 are missing.

The following Lonsdale men died this day in 1917


  1. Record No. DLONS/L/13/13/75
  2. Record No. DLONS/L/13/13/68
  3. 3.0 3.1 Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale) - In France