
Lonsdale Battalion events that took place on 21 December.
For events that took place elsewhere, see 21 December on The Great War wiki.

1914 (Monday)

  • Lewis Bell (17396 Pte.) enlists in Brampton, Cumberland.
  • Lt-Col. Machell to C Company: "The proportion of 20% of NCO’s & men proceeding on [Christmas] leave by train will in no case be exceeded...." [1]
  • Following War Office instructions fire screens to isolate burning huts were procured from Messrs. Laing & Sons, builders of Carlisle for £3 19s each.[2]
  • Western Command: "Kindly note that the official title of your Battalion is 11th Border Regiment, and should be used in correspondence." [3]
  • Abraham Acton (10694) and James Alexander Smith (6423) of the 2nd Border Regiment[a] are awarded the Victoria Cross for their actions on this day:
    For conspicuous bravery on 21 December at Rouges Bancs in voluntarily going from their trench and rescuing a wounded man who had been lying exposed against the enemy's trench for 75 hours, and on the same day again leaving their trench voluntarily under heavy fire, to bring into cover another wounded man. They were under fire for 60 minutes whilst conveying wounded men to safety.[4]

1916 (Thursday)

  • Battalion situated at Puchevillers.
  • Some men involved in sniping and Lewis gun course; remainder parade for Battalion drill under Commanding Officer.
  • Afternoon spent in Company training.

1917 (Friday)

  • Battalion situated in the front line; all quiet.


  1. James Alexander Smith (6423) was attached to the 2nd Border Regiment at the time of the rescue of the two men. He was from the 3rd (reserve) Border Regiment.


  1. Record No. DLONS/L/13/13/29
  2. Record No. DLONS/L/13/13/54
  3. Record No. DLONS/L/13/13/121
  4. London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 29074, p. 1700