Lonsdale Battalion events that took place on 28 December.
For events that took place elsewhere, see 28 December on The Great War wiki.
1914 (Monday)
- Ernest Wymes (17418) enlists in Alston.
- Letter from the Chief Constable of Carlisle: “A number of your men have been rendering most valuable assistance at a very large factory fire that has occurred in the City this afternoon. Some of them inform me that they will be late in getting into Camp, and that they are wet through to the skin, they will have to go to their homes and obtain dry underclothing before they can return to Camp. I am deeply indebted to them for their hard work, and hope you will overlook their not being in Camp at the proper time." [1]
- Battalion order: "No soldier will ever be allowed to leave Camp unless properly dressed. Puttees will also be worn when walking out, and short canes carried. The latter can be obtained at the Y.M.C.A. Recreation Hut."
- Three men are punished,[a] eight men are forfeited their pay,[b] and three men are posted to E Company.[c][2]
1915 (Tuesday)
- Battalion is situated in the F1 sector near Bouzincourt, where special attention is paid to the repairing of trenches and construction of dug-outs.
- One other rank is wounded.
1916 (Thursday)
1917 (Friday)
- Battalion situated at Siege Camp involved in training.
- ↑ Punishments: Privates. J. Harding (13906), J. Heslop (15558), J. Birkett (13910).
- ↑ Forfeiture of pay: Privates. J. Lowry (13650), A. Mattinson (13853), J. Branthwaite (13883), J. Barlow (15529), W. Goodfellow (13250), J. Bannon (15542), J. Chisholm (13368), and J. Shannon (13386).
- ↑ Strength on E Company: Privates L.W. Tweedie (17388), J.W. Cameron (17389), and Tom Harrison (17390).
Lonsdale Battalion on this day... (hover to read more)
Sources: Various sources contemporary to the war have been used to compile the
Various sources contemporary to the war have been used to compile The Lonsdale Battalion On This Day. The majority of the events shown on this day (28 December), including any supplementary notes, enlistments and statistical data etc., have been primarily sourced from the Lonsdale Battalion War Diary (November 1915 to June 1918), Record of the XIth (Service) Battalion (Lonsdale) and abridged material from Timeline and Chronology of the Lonsdale Battalion (September 1914 - May 1915), which are sourced from the original DLONS/L/13/13 Lowther Estate Archives. Events from that chronology are reproduced here with kind permission of Jim Lowther (2016). They are identified and referenced separately by their unique DLONS numbers. Please do not publish these events without prior permission from the Lowther Estate. All casualty names, numbers, ranks, date of deaths and places of burial/commemoration have been sourced from Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914-19, Volume 39, The Border Regiment and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission database respectively.